Nov 28, 2011
Nov 15, 2011
The Big Issue
Posted by
4:09 PM
Nov 14, 2011
Stinky Flamingo gets a bath!
The Pea and I hit the Zoo last week to visit some of our favorite animals. We were delighted to catch what we call a stinky 'mingo taking bath. It was pretty funny to watch!
Posted by
7:26 PM
Nov 8, 2011
Free Shipping!
I am offering Free Shipping on all US orders through 11/13 in both my Collage Lab and Michelle Caplan. Just use the code FREESHIP2011 in either one! Great time to stock up on stocking stuffers like fun Paper Packs or Magnets!
Just added a "Retail" page to my website! 11 shops and counting! Are any near you? Go check 'em out!!
Posted by
3:14 PM
Nov 7, 2011
New cards!
This poor, sad neglected blog! I cant believe that previous to this, my last post was 2009! I am sorry to have left it, and cant guarantee I will be around much, but I will try!
Thought I would share my new holiday cards! For those who dont know, a couple of months ago I launched a card line that I am so very proud of.Most are blank so that you may send your own messages to friends and family. The Birthday and Holiday have sentiments inside.
I hope you like them as much as I do!
Posted by
6:45 PM
Jul 9, 2009
Join me this weekend at the Renegade Craft LA!!!
Over 200 vendors, ReForm School, The Urban Craft Center, and Swap-o-Rama will all be under one roof!
July 11-12, 11am-7pm
California Market Center, Downtown LA
HannahMade and I will be in Booth 149
Posted by
8:31 AM
Jun 7, 2009
My baby brother Nick, who is 18(!!!) is amazing! Here is his Senior Solo. None of us had ever heard him sing. I admire his bravery, and his talent. He is going to make a fabulous addition to the adult world! xoxo Nico!
Posted by
9:26 PM
May 16, 2009
Patchwork in Santa Ana!!
Come see me and HannahMade at the Patchwork Show this weekend!! Booth #46
Posted by
8:36 PM
May 5, 2009
Introducing Lucy!
About a month ago, the Hub and I decided to finally get to it and adopted a dog. We have been talking about it for about 5 years, and finally found a face too cute to ignore! ;) So, I give you Lucy Robinson! Lucy came from the Hub, and Robinson because at the ripe old age of 8, all the young pups are all over her! (You know who you are, e'hem ZIP!)LOL Part Poodle & part Cocker Spaniel, she is all love!
I have to be sure to RAVE about the shelter that we found Lucy through, Pet Orpahns of Southern California. There are no words to fully explain the dedication and love that the folks at PO shower on their animals. I absolutely recommend that if you are looking for a furry friend, that you start here! A friend of mine volunteers there and does a spot on the Thursday night Fox 11 news at 10, each week highlighting a new pooch. Lucy, then "Irene", was the star of the spot about 5 weeks ago. I was immediately smitten. Her mellowness called to me!
This little pup is the absolute sweetest! She did her first art fair with me last weekend and was so well behaved. She passed out the second we got home!
Posted by
12:13 PM
Apr 29, 2009
Ever heard of Mina Loy?? Well, you should!
Late last year I was contacted by a lovely young lady who is writing her thesis on an artist and poet named Mina Loy. She wanted to commission a piece of Ms. Loy to hang on her wall and keep her inspired through the daunting task! At first I was a little perplexed, and then once I started to learn a bit about Mina Loy, I was intrigued! She was a talented, baudy woman who was surrounded by some of the greatest poets, writers and artists in history. She dreamed of accomplishing things no woman of her time dared! In the end I think this was one of my favorite projects to date! I absolutely loved the experience!
Tara Prescott (my client) and me with the finished piece! Man, I look exhausted in that pic!
Posted by
2:03 PM
Unique LA!
This weekend, May 2-3, I will be participating in the Spring 2009 Unique LA! My booths# is 5006-5003. I will be accompanied by HannahMade and Henry Road! Also vending at the event are the insane talents of the Frantic Meerkat, and the Mincing Mockingbird!! There will be over 250 vendors, so RUN, dont walk!! Hope to see u there!
Posted by
12:44 PM
Nov 18, 2008
Design on a Dime Custom Artwork!
The episode of Design on a Dime that I filmed finally aired! I just figured out how to upload my segments to YouTube, so for those of you have emailed me because you missed it, here ya go!
If you have questions about having your own commission done, check here for more info!
Posted by
11:54 AM
Oct 28, 2008
Where does the time go?????????
I am so annoyed with myself that blogging has fallen by the wayside! I love it here And I am going to work my butt off to not neglect my poor lonely blog anymore! I know I have said it before, but this time I MEAN IT! :)
So much has been going on. The hub and I decided we were going to re-do the closet in our second bedroom, which led to a major renovation, at least major for us. We found the original Parquet floors under the carpet in the closet, and decided it would be awesome to refinish the whole room, which then meant emptying the entire contents of said room into the rest of the house, (which became an entirely new project for bookshelves in the living room!) We sanded and refinished the Parquet, and the end result was awful. There were ancient stains that wouldn't come up, and after sealing the whole thing turned yellow. No thank you! So then we had to rip that floor out completely (see photo on the left of poor exhausted hub) and put down a new one.We are thrilled with the end result, but what a long road!! It is now a lovely little guest room for visitors to enjoy!
In addition to home reno, I have been doing back to back art shows. Yes, the economy has been tough, but what can you do? I have had fun at each event, and have so much new work along with a bunch of really cool new images I am excited to get working on now that I have a week off!
Also been working part time at the very swanky and cool Henry Road. Paula is so much fun to work for. I continue to learn the ups and downs of owning your own shop (something I would like very much to do in the future). She has such a great eye for the totally cool, from vintage to new. I am getting better at arranging displays, which makes me feel like I am conquering the world! I am also the stores Fall artist. I have a had a fun few moments of people coming in and recognizing the work and not realizing I am the artist. That has been kind of cool!
My partner in crime, Hannah, continues her planning for a move to Portland, OR. She is super excited to leave LA, which I understand, but I am seriously considering hobbling her to prolong the inevitable. Would that be so wrong???? ;)
So for now, that is my update. I am going to try to be more regular with the posting! There is so much fun coming up. I want to make sure that I share the details!!! TTFN
Posted by
8:15 AM
Sep 30, 2008

Oct 2nd, 6pm-9pm
3949 Laurelgrove Ave, Studio City, CA 91604
(South of Ventura, 2 blocks west of Laurel Canyon)
See more pics of the event, click HERE
Posted by
9:46 PM
Sep 17, 2008
Have you seen the new issue of the fab Design This Design That online zine?? It is chock full of interviews of artists from around the world, 68 to be exact!! I was lucky enough to be selected to participate! You can see my interview on page 124!
Posted by
7:56 AM