Oct 18, 2007

Tooth Pillows!

I dont know if this is a British thing, or a European thing, or what, but when I was little, I had a tooth pillow. I would put the recently lost tooth in the tiny little pocket of the pillow, and in the morning, the "tooth fairy"(who am I to burst anyones bubble?) would have switched out the tooth for coins. I loved my little tooth pillow, and after deciding I was going to create some with my childrens artwork incorporated onto them, I asked my friends if they had had one, and they looked at me like I was insane.

Well, let me tell you, tooth pillows are awesome! I loved mine, always displaying it on my made bed! I have no idea what ever became of that pillow, but I am very proud of these ones! It was definitely a sewing victory in my studio to have designed them and made them a reality!

Now they are all on Etsy along with a couple of other regular pillows I made. Hope you like them! Now I am off to figure out what my next sewing project will be. . . .

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Anonymous said...

You're not alone! I had a tooth pillow growing up in Texas. My Grandmother made it for me. I don't remember what happened to mine either....

Love the fabric choice for your pillows. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

I had a tooth pillow! In the US in the early 80s. It was in the shape of a B for Beth and had a little pocket on the front, all in a dark blue calico. My Mom made it. I think it's still in her house somewhere...

Debbie Overton said...

I too had a tooth pillow and each of my 3 children had their own. The only difference was I got coins and they got bills!!!! Love yours!!! Debbie

haus maus said...

I had a tooth pillow! But I lost mine so I just put my little tooth under my regular pillow and the fairy still came and delivered treats the next morning. Usually quarters. :)