Jan 12, 2007

Doubling up! SPC & IF

IF: 80's
1/12/07: I am doubling up on the use of this image! Unexpected, I know, BUT, this is actually the only photo I have ever done a portrait of from the 80's, which happens to be the IF theme this week!! I am not quite sure what year, but I was maybe 8 or 9? Maybe 7? I have no idea, but it is my favorite photo of my father and me. Keep reading for the full story.

SPC: Resolutions
1/9/07: This is my first Self Portrait Challenge post for 2007. This is a big, huge year for me. I am ebbing into my 30's and am a little shocked and awed at where I am compared to where I thought I would be when I actually hit this age. I have promised myself that this year will be clear. I will be focused and work hard to push myself out of my comfort zone. I will make sure that everyday I remember how lucky I am to be healthy, and how lucky I am to have have a healthy family. I will have authentic relationships with my friends. I will recognize what I can and can't do. I will allow myself to be human.

(This photo is my favorite picture of my father and me from my childhood. He recently turned 70 and I created this for his birthday gift. It is the first time I have done an actual self portrait. I presented him with the gift earlier this week and he was surprised and really liked it. Happy Birthday Stinky!)


Anonymous said...

beautifully done...I bet he loved this!

Karen Jinks said...

Gorgeous, what a wonderful gift!

Funky Finds said...

what a fabulous gift. looks like you're 2007 is going well!

Willie Baronet said...

Very nice piece, and a great story too! I like your resolutions for the new year. I hope they serve you well. Keep creating! :-)

Willie Baronet said...

One other question, and I'll email you as well, has the etsy store worked well? I've never tried anything like that but it looks interesting. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing piece. Immediately hit me!

haus maus said...

wow michelle, that is so special. thank you for sharing your art, and your feelings, with us.

when will you be 30?

mcaplan said...

I will be 30 next weekend on the 21st. Gulp.

Judy Scott said...

This really moved me its beautiful, Jx

pati said...

This is lovely, I bet ur dad will love it for ever!

Paula Manning-Lewis said...

Great piece! I can see why he liked it.

Enjoy 30, time flies! I turned 37 this past year. We just get better with age, you know? My 90 year old great aunt tells me all the time how young I am! :) So, when you look at from her perspective, 30 is nothin!

Healthy living said...

what an adorable picture!

Lisa Kaus said...

Oh my gosh- 30-I remember an older artist mentor of mine had told me I was a baby painter at the age of 20 and that it takes years to mature as an artist- your work is so fab, just think how even more amazing your work will be when you are 40 and have all that wisdom and knowledge behind you. It truly is a blessing.
link trade?

studio lolo said...

How beautiful! You're lucky ( and he is too) that you could do this for him. I'm sure Stinky will treasure it always :) Thanks for sharing...and have a great 30th!!

mcaplan said...

Thank you all so much for hte lovely comments and the birthday wishes. I honestly cant wait for the day to come and go! Let me just turn 30 and get it over with!

I really appreciate all of the amazing support! Stinky will be so proud! LOL

irisz said...

Beautiful picture! Wish all the best for you and your Dad!

Actually i'll be 30 in this year too!

Brine Blank said...

Very nice picture...I just hit 34 and stand amazed at how quickly time has passed and continues to go...watching my own kids grow up and my dad grow older and wondering what memories each of us hold to and why...thanks!

Michelle Lana said...

sweet work!